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HP CPe 2y PW Parts Coverage DJ Studio 36 HWS
Bez DPH: 521,13 € S DPH: 625,36 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - Parts and Remote Service with defective media retention offers access to high quality remote assistance and replacement parts to authorized HP Partners for hardware components that are eligible and covered. We’ll ship replacement parts the next business day1 to your specified location – before you even return the defective parts to HP. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UD5N6PE
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HP Cpe PW 2y Nbd Onsite HP DesignJet T525-36 HWS
Bez DPH: 512,28 € S DPH: 614,74 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service, and improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UC2T5PE
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HP CPe 1y PW Nbd designjet T630-24 HWS
Bez DPH: 190,26 € S DPH: 228,31 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service, and improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UD5H6PE
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HP CPe 2y PW Nbd designjet T630-24 HWS
Bez DPH: 354,64 € S DPH: 425,57 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service, and improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UD5H7PE
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HP CPe 1y PW Nbd+DMR DesignjetT2600 1R HWS
Bez DPH: 1 244,89 € S DPH: 1 493,87 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service with Defective Media Retention, and vastly improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UB9P9PE
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HP CPe 2y PW Nbd+DMR DesignjetT2600 1R HWS
Bez DPH: 2 408,30 € S DPH: 2 889,96 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service with Defective Media Retention, and vastly improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UB9Q0PE
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HP CPe 2y PW Nbd+DMR DesignJet Z6-24 1 roll HWS
Bez DPH: 660,93 € S DPH: 793,12 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service with Defective Media Retention, and vastly improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:U9YY0PE
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HP CPe 1y PW Nbd+DMR DesignJet Z6-24 1 roll HWS
Bez DPH: 348,38 € S DPH: 418,06 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service with Defective Media Retention, and vastly improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:U9YX9PE
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Bez DPH: 237,18 € S DPH: 284,62 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - V prípade problémov s hardvérom je rýchly návrat k práci veľmi dôležitý. Získajte pomoc odborníkov HP vďaka servisu v nasledujúci pracovný deň u zákazníka1 s ponechaním chybných médií a výrazne predĺžte prevádzkový čas produktu. Vďaka vysokokvalitnej pomoci na diaľku a praktickej podpore na mieste v nasledujúci pracovný deň získate pomoc vždy, keď ju budete potrebovať, aby ste sa mohli vrátiť k svojej práci. Pokiaľ ide o chybné úložné médiá, máte kontrolu nad svojimi citlivými údajmi. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UB7C4PE
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HP Cpe PW 1y Nbd Onsite HP DesignJet T525-36 HWS
Bez DPH: 271,44 € S DPH: 325,73 €Rozšírenie záruky - Predĺženie záruky po jej dobehnutí - When hardware issues come up, the sooner you can get running again, the better. Have expertise at the ready with HP Hardware Next Business Day1 Onsite Service, and improve your product uptime. With high-quality remote assistance or convenient onsite support available the next day, help is there when you need it—so you can get back to work. - Výrobca HP Inc. - Part Number:UC2T4PE
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